Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dearly Beloved ...

About a month ago, we were invited to attend the wedding reception of Noi, one of Patrick’s work colleagues. The reception was held at a hotel just down the street from our apartment.

One of the most important parts of the reception were three blessing speeches for the couple, given by VIPs. One of those VIPs was Patrick and Noi’s boss, Tom. We spent weeks teasing both Tom and Noi about the speech. Tom’s favorite topic in staff meetings was to give an update on the writing of his speech. “Well, I’ve got about 35 pages written, so I’m about halfway there!”

As it turned out, it was a brief but very successful speech. Tom started out with a few lines in inexpert but enthusiastic Thai, which won over the crowd. By the end, he had us all in the palm of his hand.

We weren’t the only ones from the office at the reception. It was great to see everyone all dressed up and ready to have a good time. We had a lot of fun getting Noi and her husband started off on the right foot for their wedding adventure!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Real Anarchy in the BKK!

Well, our Thanksgiving plans fell through this year. We had planned to fly on Wednesday afternoon to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to visit some of our friends from Dhaka. We had planned out the whole Thanksgiving day menu, bought tickets to see a Cambodian rock opera about the Khmer Rouge, and were even ready to play some ultimate Frisbee. What we hadn’t counted on was the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) movement taking over the airport.

The political situation in Thailand (see "Politics, Thai-Style" earlier) has not been very stable over the last couple of years. Since August, a group calling itself the PAD has staged a sit-in at Government House to protest what they feel is a power-hungry and corrupt government. Here's a summary from BBC News. So far the protests haven't caused much disruption of daily life in Bangkok.

Maybe that's why they decided to take over the airport. The Prime Minister was at the APEC summit in Peru, so thousands of protesters decided to go to the airport on Tuesday night to meet him. They almost met Patrick, who was flying home after a week-and-a-half in Nepal. Patrick arrived as the protesters were on their way to the airport, but before they took over. The immigration official who stamped his passport told Patrick, "Outside crazy. Taxi difficult."

Patrick's bag was the first off the carousel, so he made a dash for the taxi stand. The lines there were very long, so he went to another part of the airport where he knew taxis sometimes lingered. He managed to find a taxi who would take him for 400 baht -- about twice the normal fare, but much less than the 800 baht that the first two taxis tried to charge him. (It turns out that the driver who took Patrick was an amateur guitarist. Patrick had his mandolin with him, so he thinks the taxi driver was just interested in talking music with him. The taxi driver told Patrick, "I think you look like professional [musician]!") As they drove away from the airport, they saw big trucks filled with protesters driving towards the terminal. He got home just as the airport was being overrun.

We'd hoped that the situation would be resolved by Thanksgiving day, but as of the time of writing this post, the protesters are still in control of both of the major airports in Bangkok. So, we've cancelled our trip and will be having dinner with a bunch of our co-workers, many of whom have spouses stranded in airports across the region. It's disappointing, but considering that Patrick could have been stuck in Kathmandu or even at the airport here in Bangkok, it's not that bad. We definitely have something to be thankful for this year!

No one really knows how this situation will resolve itself. So far there's been no serious violence, and while thousands of tourists have been inconvenienced, it doesn’t feel scary or unstable here. There is absolutely no threat to foreigners -- this is just part of Thai politics these days. We firmly believe that we're safe here and are hopeful that the Thais will find a peaceful solution to this crisis.

Just as long as they don't try to take our sweet potatoes. Then there'll be real trouble.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Anarchy in the BKK

All right, young lady -- tomorrow you're going to the groomers, and that's final!

Monday, November 03, 2008

The Privilege of the Non-Canine American

We've lived and worked in a lot of different countries and have seen everything from communism to kleptocracy to monarchy and beyond. After all that we've experienced, we agree with Winston Churchill, who, in a speech before the British House of Commons on 11 November 1947, said:

"Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government ... except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

Tomorrow is Election Day in the U.S. Vote for the people you think are best suited to represent our communities and lead our nation. Then celebrate our imperfect, chaotic, wonderfully free democratic republic -- and be thankful for the privilege.

(Note: Sarawat's political opinions are her own and do not reflect the official policy of the U.S. Government. She can’t vote in any case.)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Brides of Dracula ... and Dracula's Dog

UPDATE: Now with the Count!

Happy Hallowe'en!
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