Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas in Bangkok

The Christmas season is in full swing here in Bangkok. Although most Thais are not Christian, they'll take any excuse they can find for a party. The hotels and malls are alive with tinsel and bright lights. While it's a little strange to see snowflakes, reindeer, and men in fur-trimmed suits here in the tropics (where the low temperatures are in the 80's Fahrenheit these days), the Thais don't seem to mind. They've also found some creative twists on the traditional Anglo-Saxon Christmas imagery.

This tree is reported to be the largest Christmas tree in Southeast Asia.

This tree is made of empty water cooler bottles, each with an electric candle inside.

This tree features a portrait of the King, who just celebrated his 80th birthday.

This is the Most. Disturbing. Christmas Tree. Ever. We don't know who's responsible for it -- it's at the Four Seasons Hotel -- but it really creeped us out.

We're off to the U.S. for the holidays. We'll see some of you there and catch up with the rest of you in January.

Have a happy & blessed Christmas and a good start to the New Year!

1 comment:

Lorena Duncan, MFT said...

Interesting pictures of the various Christmas trees you've seen. Our most interesting experience was getting caught up in a flash mob of 300 wearing various illusions to Santa in Union Square(San Francisco). From the guy carrying a flask and cigarettes in a camera case to the tin-foiled-wrapped head of #13 shouting unintelligable garble through his megaphone, it was quite the holiday experience. Here's to making holiday memories! See you both soon.

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